a soon to be FIPS 140-1
L3+ certified hardware security module by Francotyp-Postalia |
related to IT security, e-commerce, cryptology, cyber-crime, and much
more |
Interests and Selected Papers
Electronic Postage
Personal yet Privacy Protecting
Digital Patient Assistants
Basic Cryptography
Security in Health Care Networks
Cryptographic Toolkit
In one way or another I support
a network of researchers in cryptology and IT security,
the Association of the Computing Machinery,
the International Association of Cryptologic Research
Gesellschaft für Informatik (German Chapter of the International
Federation of Information Proc. (IFIP)
patents pending |
German patents
pending |
US patents
pending |
Free full-text patent search
engines are provided by the patent and trademark offices of many nations.
Some of them are:
Nation |
to full-text patent search engine |
Available online |
Canada |
Database |
and claims of
laid-open patent applications and patent grants (since August 15,
1978) |
Europe |
Database ESP@CENET |
laid-open patent applications and patent grants
(since 1920) |
Germany |
patent applications and patent grants |
Japan |
Patent Office |
of laid-open patent applications and patent grants |
US |
PTO Database |
patent grants (since
1790) and
patent applications (since March 15, 2001)
The US Postal Authority is
pushing aggressively away from mechanical postage meters towards electronic
meters.The cornerstones of their Indicia Based Information Program ( IBIP
) is an individual embedded security device driving each postage meter
and cryptographically enhanced postage indicia. Both and much more is
addressed by the next generation server infrastructure of Francotyp-Postalia
Bleumer: Secure Electronic
Postage Stamping (White Paper), EuroWired
Issue 2, 2001 (ISSN: 1470-2126). |
Bleumer, Heinrich Krüger-Gebhard: Sicherheit
moderner Frankiersysteme, Tagungsband
Verlässliche Informationssysteme VIS 2001, Vieweg, Braunschweig-Wiesbaden
2001, 135-146 (ISBN 3528057823).
(Also available: slides). |
Bleumer, Heinrich Krüger-Gebhard: Missbrauchs-Schutz
von Frankiermaschinen durch Public-Key Kryptografie; 2001
- Odyssee im Cyberspace? Sicherheit im Internet, Tagungsband
7. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress des BSI, 2001, SecuMedia Verlag,
Ingelheim 2001, 457-470 (ISBN 3922746365).
(Also available: poster) |
It is cryptographically feasible
to make efficient, secure and anonymous postage indicia. Apparently, only
few people are concerned about being automatically traceable by the mail
they send, but this may change when identifying postage indicia become
more common and ubiquitous.
| |
yet Privacy Protecting Credentials
Biometric person authentication
is becoming more and more popular. In order to get enrolled, users typicall
have to submit a biometric template to some central server repository.
The obvious risk of such an approach is that gradually everyone becomes
screenable by certain biometric characteristics. Using advanced cryptographic
mechanisms, it is in fact feasible and efficient to store biometric templates
in a decentralized fashion and to also verify actual biometric samples
in an equally decentralized fashion.
| |
Patient Assistants
The widespread introduction
of health care insurance cards in Germany has motivated us to design a
cryptographic system architecture for invoicing for medical treatment
and medical prescriptions as well as handling letters of transferral in
such a way that the trust relationship between doctor and patient is strongly
protected against third party interests. We have shown how compulsory
health insurances can be charged while preserving unlinkability of any
transactions between patients and doctors given the distributed responsibilities
and competences of 'shared care'.The result was a sophisticated cryptographic
architecture employing blind signatures, group signatures and various
sorts of credentials and electronic coins.
| |
Basic Cryptography
Blaze, Gerrit Bleumer, Martin
Strauss: Divertible
Protocols and Atomic Proxy Cryptography ; Eurocrypt '98,
LNCS 1403, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin 1998, 127-144 (ISBN 3540645187). |
Bleumer: On Protocol Divertibility ( pdf
) ( ps
); AT&T
Labs Technical Report 97.34.3 , Mar 6, 1998. |
Bleumer, Birgit
Pfitzmann, Michael
Waidner: A remark
on a signature scheme where forgery can be proved ; Eurocrypt
'90, LNCS 473, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin 1991, 441-445 (ISBN 354053587). |
in Health Care Networks
From 1992 to 1996 I have
worked in two projects funded by the European Commission on security
in health information systems. The first project was SEISMED
(SEcure Information Systems in MEDicine) 1992-1995. The results of SEISMED
have been published in 3 volumes, which address the management, IT professionals
and users of health care environments, respectively.
Bleumer: Introduction
to the SEISMED Guidelines ; The SEISMED Consortium (eds.),
31-33, Data Security for Health Care, Volume I, II, III: IOS Press,
Amsterdam, 1996, 1-10 (ISBN 9051992637). |
Bleumer: Guideline
for Cryptographic Mechanisms for Health Care Management
; The SEISMED Consortium (eds.), SHTI
Vol 31, Data Security for Health Care, Volume I: Management Guidelines,
IOS Press, Amsterdam 1996, 227-234 (ISBN 9051992645). |
Bleumer: Guideline
for Cryptographic Mechanisms for Health Care IT and Security Personnel
; The SEISMED Consortium (eds.), SHTI
Vol 32, Data Security for Health Care, Volume II: Technical Guidelines,
IOS Press, Amsterdam 1996, 450-521 (ISBN 9051992653). |
Bleumer: Guideline
for Cryptographic Mechanisms for Health Care Systems Users
; The SEISMED Consortium (eds.), SHTI
Vol 33, Data Security for Health Care, Volume III: Users Guidelines,
IOS Press, Amsterdam 1996, 115-165 (ISBN 9051992661). |
The work of SEISMED in progress
has been presented at a number of conferences:
Bleumer: Cryptographic
Mechanisms for Health Care IT-Systems ; in Barry Barber,
Kees Louwerse, Alison Treacher (eds.): Towards Security in Medical
Telematics: Legal and Technical Aspects, SHTI
Vol 27, IOS-Press, Amsterdam 1996, 233-237 (ISBN 9051992467). |
Barber, Gerrit Bleumer, John Davey, Kees Louwerse:
How to Achieve Secure Environments
for Information Systems in Medicine ; MEDINFO 95, Proceedings,
Part 1, International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA), Edmond,
Canada, 1995, 635-639 (ISBN 0969741413). |
Biskup, Gerrit Bleumer: Reflections
on Security of Database and Datatransfer Systems in Health Care
; in Klaus
Brunnstein, Eckart Raubold (eds.): Technology and Foundations;
IFIP 13th World Computer Congress 94, Volume 2, Elsevier Science
B.V., Amsterdam 1994, 549-556 (ISBN 0444819878). |
Bleumer: Security for Decentralised
Health Information Systems ; International Journal of Bio-Medical
Computing 35/1 (1994), 139-145 (presented at IMIA
WG4 Working Conference '93, Heemskerk/The Netherlands). |
The work of SEISMED was finally
recognized in the final
report of the AIM Program (Advanced Informatics in Medicine).
The results of SEISMED were
validated and put on trial in the successor project ISHTAR
(Implementing Secure Health Telematics Applications in Europe) 1996-1998).
Together with Thilo Baldin,
I have started to develop an object-oriented library for many cryptographic
mechanisms from 1991 to 1996. We made it free software under the GNU General
Public Library Licence. Christian Stueble took over as chief developer
in 1997 and provides the software plus documentation at the CryptoManager
homepage .
Thilo Baldin,
Gerrit Bleumer: CryptoManager++
-- an object oriented software library for cryptographic mechanisms
; 12th IFIP International Conference on Information Security (IFIP/Sec
'96), Chapman & Hall, London 1996, 489-491 (ISBN 0412781204). |
Thilo Baldin,
Gerrit Bleumer, Ralf Kanne: CryptoManager
- Eine intuitiv verwendbare Bibliothek für kryptographische Systeme
; in Walter Fumy, Gisela Meister, Manfred Reitenspieß, Wolfgang
Schäfer (Eds.) Security Application Programming Interfaces; Deutscher
Universitätsverlag, Wiesbaden 1994 (ISBN 3824420597). |
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